Aesthetic Green Power is devoted to the proposition that houses can be designed to supply much of their own energy through renewable sources. The concept that defines our product is BIPV meaning building integrated PV. We design our products as a durable weathering skin that protects your house as well as supplies it with solar electricity and optionally thermal energy. Our products are known to give a high priority to the aesthetic of the home as well.
For most Products listed below, Spec Sheet and Install Manual PDFs can be found on the Commercial Products Page
TallSlates with high powered back contact cells that allow a mono color look to the roof. It is designed to incorporate into a natural slates roof plane. Each has a null zone at the top for overlap and a water block in mount hardware for wind driven rain.
The terms are an acronym for Building Integrated Thermal Energy Roofing Systems. We build our Sunslates 5 and 6 products with Swiss Pearl roofing slates as the substrate. The dense substrate acts as a heatsink and that thermal heat is routed away from the cells to whatever destination is most appropriate. This also has the added benefit of lowering attic temperatures, thereby saving on HVAC energy demands.

Photon Magazine described this product in a global review of building integrated PV as the ‘famous Sunslates’, simply meaning that we are the pioneer that others have tried for 20+ years to copy. The Sunslates5 uses the 5” cell allowing it to have a small size, 1.3 sq.’,and thus better follow the architecture of roofs, especially when there are numerous breaks in the roof plane layout. It is strong and designed to be walkable by installing roofers. We are retooling this product to use the back-contact cells that will allow a much higher kWh output per roofing square, i.e. 100 square feet. It is a Class A roofing product that can be used with the highly praised Swiss Pearl roofing slate which is also used as the substrate for the product. It handles high winds and snow loads. Like the TallSlates, it is designed for using the B.I.T.E.R.S. thermal system.
his is a larger variant on the Sunslates5. A few years ago, the PV cell industry migrated to the larger 6” cell. We designed the new product to accommodate the larger cell. It has an exposure on the roof of 2.0 sq.’ It uses the same Swiss Pearl underlayment as the smaller Sunslates5. Likewise, it accommodates the B.I.T.E.R.S. system. It works beautifully with larger roof planes. Indeed, except for size all the superlatives reported for its smaller Sunslates5 can be said for this one.
TallSlates Grandee
This is a big BIPV roofing solution, 11.828 square’ each, 150 Watts each, 8.45 per roofing square. It is Class C listed. Instead of a traditional shingled look the TSG is designed for straight lined installation....Pictured here with BITERS thermal option.